VS-C® (100 caps)


Support immunity, detoxification and respiratory tract health with VS-C, a Chinese herbal formula.



  • Supports the immune system.
  • Fights off biological stressors.
  • Nourishes the liver.
  • Supports detoxification.
  • Promotes a healthy respiratory tract.

How It Works:

This immune-supporting formula is a combination that Chinese herbalists would describe as a “metal-enhancing” formula. These herbs create a favorable environment for microbial balance and overall health. Dandelion root has nutritive properties for the liver, kidneys, stomach and blood. Purslane tops were eaten by American pioneers and in the Orient in the belief that it nourishes the liver and blood. Indigo leaves and root were used traditionally to support detoxification processes. Bupleurum root is a Chinese bitter herb that nourishes the liver and promotes perspiration. Typhonium rhizome supports the respiratory system. Scute root has been used to support the gallbladder and spleen. Cinnamon twig benefits the intestinal tract. Licorice root adds harmony and nourishes the adrenal glands. Ginseng root is a well-known adaptogen, promoted as a general body builder.

VS-C is alsoavailable in liquid form, with the components of its dried counterpart extracted and preserved in a glycerin base.


Dandelion whole plant, purslane top, indigo leaves and root, thlaspi whole plant, bupleurum root, scute root, typhonium rhizome, cinnamon twig, licorice root and ginseng root.

Recommended Use:

Adults:Take 4 capsules two–four times daily; liquid, take 30–40 drops two–four times daily. Children:Use half the adult recommendation.

NOTE:Pregnant or lactating women should consult their health care professional prior to taking this supplement.