Skin Detox (100 caps)


Ayurvedic Skin Detox helps pull toxins from the skin and supports skin health.



  • Supports the structural system.
  • Helps pull toxins from the skin.

How It Works:

As the largest organ of the body and one that has continuous contact with the environment, the skin needs proper care and nourishment to remain healthy. Since the skin is a primary detoxifying organ, the state of the skin often reflects our general state of internal health. As with all NSP Ayurvedic formulas, Skin Detox is designed to maintain a balanced state of well-being. 


Taraxacum officinale root, Acacia catechu bark, Azadirachta indica bark, Smilax china root, Picrorhiza kurroa root, Hemidesmus indicus root, Holarrhena antidysenterica bark, Rubia cardifolia root, Swertia chirata whole plant extract, Caesalpinia crista seed extract, Fumaria parviflora whole plant, Alstonia scholaris bark extract, Tinospora cordifola stem, Curcuma longa rhizome, Phyllanthus emblica fruit, Terminalia belerica fruit and Terminalia chebula fruit. 

Recommended Use:

Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily.